Is it time to delete this blog? your opportunity to tell us

We are more than happy to delete this blog even if everything we claim in this blog is true.

But for us to do that (if you do not have a legal claim and also we want to point that until today not a single person ever has made a formal or informal request for us to delete the blog because is breaking a law) you have to give us at least some kind of reasonable excuse.

For example if a person can demonstrate that we have mention staff’s name not in a nice manner when these staff were only minding their own business and with not a single excuse we attacked them or if anybody out there can claim that our stories about these staff are not true then we are more than happy to delete the blog.

Already we had a comment left on other social posts that our claims are only playground rumors but the comment was written from a staff that is not qualified to make claims like that (a person that is not involved with our allegations). Therefore his comment is not a reasonable excuse for us to delete the blog. This also includes the comments that made against us “more people wonder about the level of education of the writer rather than what the blog is all about”

But………………any of the people that ever written negative comments against us (including the above posts) through their social accounts or any other places; written or verbal can give us a reasonable excuse “Why it is OK for them to bad mouth and trash talk against the company at the same time that they are attacking our blog and us? If there is a better way to fix the injustice we have been facing for years why these people are not using this better way to also fix their problems but instead they turn to the internet to voice their pain? Is it maybe because they feel powerless and they believe there is no justice?”

One thing is for sure……NPT is laughing all the way when they watch staff trying to step on each other’s throats. Did anybody ever think most of the power a company has is because there are employees that are always happy to crush other staff in a hope that the company will look after them?

For us we do not think any of the staff’s comments that left on the internet are unreasonable against the company because all events are a cry for help and the actions of each individual staff is a demonstration of what desperate human minds will do when they live in a powerless environment .

A message to the Board of Directors you are doing a great job for not doing an investigation (a fair one not a bias) against all your executive managers. Not matter what happens the damage these management caused to the staff (do not read our blog, read staff’s social posts) is irreversible just think what level is currently the productivity, where is the duty of care that the company owns to the workers?

 Not one, not two, not even three but dozens of staff are in a desperate stage. The excuse of the current management will be; it is because of the EBA and now the staff are showing their true colors; greed, selfishness, laziness and by using the EBA they try to take something from the company that they do not deserve……… but the truth is…… you can never have so many numbers against a company if the company always treated them in a manner of what a reasonable person in the same situation would be expecting to be treated like. A company wants their employees to give 100% and not a bit less, for example; sometimes staff might forget to mark all the informations at the back of their daily running sheet so management gets the excuse to send emails asking for an explanation or telling the staff that they have to make sure next time they do their job right. So why a staff does not have the right to expect nothing less than 100% from their managers or their bosses and why staff are not allowed to claim their rights in a way they can even if they have to openly speak the injustice they live in?

Also one of the staff that got angry with one of our post was Brett. If Brett believes our post was unfair on him then we are happy to delete the whole blog if he can explain to us why was fair for him to go to some worker’s facebook wall and make the comments he made and what right he had to go behind the backs of the staff that no longer work for NPT and call them degrading names? And if he believes these staff deserve to be attacked on social media then why we do not have the right to speak up for what we see as bulling in the workplace? and since the company turns a blind eye what is wrong going to the social media for our voices to be heard? (We do not claim Brett did anything worse than what most other staff do but this is a very good example of double standards)

Another opportunity for Brett for us to delete this blog; if he can openly state that our claims that dispatchers have been recording staff’s phone calls are not true and our claims are only playground rumors (just think what evidence we might have and else is there any evidence that there is a possibility that managers have try to use these recordings against staff to bring them down?)

Finally if NPT does not like this blog either and believe that they have a legal reason for us to delete this blog then we are more than happy to follow instructions of legal grounds

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