Who is responsible for this blog? What is all about?………………..

A message to all the people that wrote damaging comments against us

The last few days some people have been talking bad against this blog by using their social accounts to  attack whoever is responsible about this blog………………..Do you think NPT needs guardians, Do you think you are doing a favor to NPT by advertising the blog? Since these hate comments appeared together with reference to the blog the traffic has hit the roof but be aware, because you did not write this blog it does not give you any legal rights to advertise this blog and bring new traffic. If you believe a piece of writing can cause damage to another person and still you go ahead and post a reference that gives the opportunity for people to search and find this writing then you are equally guilty.

Also, people should be aware they are not exempt from claims against defamation because they think they can claim their posts against us were done in good faith to get brownie points from the company.

If you have read our blog you can see that we are not backing off from our claims and we are ready to defend them. Here are our allegations again if you failed to understand them;

“The staff in the west had a basic expectation from the company that the person that was picked to manage them was going to act in a professional manner all the time, unconditionally (similar expectation that NPT had with all of their staff no matter what their duties were) to make things worse, also NPT had a policy that claimed that no person is above any of the company’s policies (a policy that gave false security to a lot of staff thinking the company will protect them from behavior that is not acceptable in the corporate world). Then you get Clyde Scorgie that acts in an unprofessional manner that caused a lot of conflict between him and his staff then he goes even further by misusing his power more to involve management to punish, humiliate and destroy some employee’s future with NPT all because of the personal conflict he created with his position. Also another of our allegations against NPT is how they acted in a bias way which gave all the reasons for Clyde to continue his personal motivated attacks against staff through the years and because of the environment that NPT created from the moment they turned their backs to the staff some staff in the west used that opportunity to freely use their social accounts to bully, harass, humiliate and belittle a small minority of staff at the same time that were writing damaging complaints against other staff.

These are some of the allegations against the company but also another allegation against the company is; NPT can claim they were unaware of the issues of the past but then once they were informed they still turned a blind eye which at the end caused all this mess”

(Some people might say WTF? what are they saying? Do they know how to write?) But they are missing the point this is not an academic paper and they were never invited to come and read as this blog is aimed only for NPT and we do know that NPT alrerady know what we are talking about and if they did not, they were going to ask but at the same time they also know as long they stay quite they do not have to answer to nobody of if it is true or not what we claim. So if you want to read this blog is your business, if you also want to help other people to come and read this blog is also your business too but then do not forget their is also a legal complication if you involved on a subject that is not you business.

(p.s. if you are still confused about our allegations then it means you are not part of the events that took place and then what excuse you will use for trying to damage our credibility by trying to humiliates us by making comments similar to this? “More people worried the obvious lack of education of the writer rather than the topic”. Did you ever think maybe we do not want to use what evidence we have  and what exactly we know as we keep it for the courts if the need arise? and did you ever think that the only reason for our riddles are because we do not want to let people to know the extent of our knowledge as the company has a duty to provide a safe workplace and if anybody wants to challenge our allegations we are more than happy to take on this challenge or did you ever think maybe we suffered some kind of damage and this is the reason why we spend so much time out of our lives looking after this blog? Did you think maybe is a challenge that NPT might not want to go against? Do you believe NPT never talked to their lawyers do you think we are so stupid to do a blog like that if we did not believe we could defend ourselves? Do you ever think that we already know that even if we are 100% right and even if we can prove it, if our identity goes public then our opportunity of employment will suffer because no employer will want to deal with us because they will not like if similar thing happens to them.  Then guess who is going to be responsible and who were are going to be suing, people that forced us to do that blog and people that wrote negative things about us?)


The next comment it is an official demand to all the people that are not involved with the allegations of this blog but have written damaging posts against us “that if they do not delete all the comments that they wrote against us immediately and post an apology straight away on the wall that they posted the damaging comments and also on their own personal wall then we hold the right to sue them when the time permits us”

Also the above comment includes post like “I did not read the blog but do not worry about the scumbags”

Also we have a personal note to the person who started first one of the threads against us.

You claimed our allegations are just a playground gossip, badly written and off the mark, we are making unprofessional point… we are not professional adults, the blog is not just poor use of the grammar….it is poor use of the space….and…if someone decides to spend the money and the time to find out who’s behind it….which can easily be done by the way….there’s a number of legal minefields…and some jobs on the line…..

All we have to say about your comments is… you have opened the door to a lot of legal issues against yourself on a subject that you were not involved in but obviously somehow you know the truth and you saw the need to expose us by trying to get people against us with your comments and, the part that you wrote “we are sitting on a legal minefields” we see it as an official claim that you already know that our claims are not true and we deserved what is coming to us..

Do you think it’s moral to talk against people on a subject you have no clue? Do you remember the things you said against NPT before you left? Do you want us to repeat them?  According to your claims we have no rights to complain against NPT because NPT always treated us nice but with you is a different story.

“I’ve had enough…with all the shit that’s been going on at NPT and the lack of care from mgt re rosters and shifts and EBA. Frankly I’ve not heard so much crap since Jeff Kennett. When NPT is screwing the staff….so best I just walk away..I guess I’ve had a whole series of false promises from NPT for a number of years….This last lot has just done my head in….When I last talked with John Carew I realized I was talking to a wall…….I plan to get john and Gavin together one day next week and tell them what I think one last time…but I am trying to word that properly as I hope to remain as a casual..I believe that they are wrong… We are right…. And that together we will make it happen…”

We guess according to you, we are wrong and you are right and if we ever end up in the courts with NPT you might be also one of the other parties too in the hearings.

There were also a lot of comments about the spelling and grammar of this blog by different staff from Mt Waverley, which make us think what this has to do with the allegations we made against the company. These people questioned our intelligent level but the best they had to come up against the blog was the grammar, imagine NPT takes us to court and these people get called to the stand and the only thing they will be able to say against this blog will be “but they killed the grammar therefore we should not believe what they are saying”

The bellow comments are for people that are confused about this blog.

This blog was made only for NPT to read and the only reason we made it visible to the public was because we knew NPT was not going to act on our allegations but we knew, if the blog was left open then NPT cannot claim later on that “they did not know anything about our allegations.

To make sure NPT knew that they are not the only ones that they knew about the blog, we also informed a couple of staff that we knew that they were going to alert NPT but instead they informed other staff first. We knew that as we were monitoring the order people visited the blog.

When we first did this blog we hoped NPT was going to act quickly and take control to restore things but we were more than wrong as NPT turned a blind eye like nothing happened so we made the decision to write a couple more things and, again NPT turned a blind eye so we finally agreed to give up and delete the blog but everything changed when we received threats of harm and a comment of a female staff that tried to degrade us.  These events gave us strength to keep fighting.

From the start the blog was written by international students because we knew there was a danger of a work colleague recognizing our style of writing. Sometimes we tried to fix some things but it was little bit difficult when using a 5.5 screen.

After we started to post again, we mainly focused on comments we received from the staff, these staff thought we did not know who they were because they did not know they were leaving a trail of private information. Our posts were only meant to be understood by NPT and the people that were involved.

to continue ………………………………………………………………..

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